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Friday, April 3, 2009

Craft Show in 3 weeks

The Scattered Seeds craft show is in 3 weeks time. My sister who is a Tim Horton's coffee junkie, will have a booth right next door to me. Her Company Name is Little Sara Soda..She sells trendy boutique quality accessories for children

like Bibs, blankets, hair accessories, and taggie blankies. We've done so many shows together over a span of ten years(even longer), But this one is her first Juried large show. It is a 10 x 10 booth She's really excited and so am I. Last year, she helped me at my booth...Remember, she was the one who ran after a toddler to another soap booth and secretly gave this girl a free soap ....then mom comes back with kid and ear in hand and thinks her baby girl is a kleptomaniac? Ahhh those were the good old days. I have some advice to her ,and to all you crafters who do this for a living,...Dont ask your buying customer.." Are you sure you wanna buy all this??" "Your not buying that out of pitty are ya?"...
You can think it but dont pull a Homer Simpson and actually say it outloud! OF course they want to buy it silly!!

1 comment:

SimplyFrugal said...

Good Luck! I hope you have fun!